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Our Vision
Every region of the U.S. has a vibrant legacy of cross-racial movements for equity and justice. Every era has produced changemakers who have expanded democracy and civic participation. We celebrate the historic accomplishments of the movement to abolish slavery, the American Indian Movement, the feminist and LGBT movements, and immigrant justice movements. But we also recognize that the US has yet to become a truly just, fully multiracial democracy. History teaches us that people are the most important part of every movement and that social change moves in proportion to their narrative power.
The future of our country depends on millions of everyday narrators. Narrative reflects our people, our analysis, and our solutions, either supporting or weakening our ability to persuade more people to join us. Having more narrative power speeds up economic, cultural and political change.
people have the right to create, shape, and change the narratives that affect their lives.
everyone holds innate narrative power and that gathering and using that power is the work of organizing.
narrative, combined with organizing, can shift political, cultural, and economic systems toward a truly just multiracial democracy and help our communities thrive.